How to translate the Web357 Extensions into your Language

Follow the below three easy steps to create your own languages files for each of Web357 Joomla! Extensions.


Download the files you want to translate into your Language.

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1. Create the folder “/..extension_folder../language/xx-XX/”.
2. Rename the language prefix “xx-XX” with yours.
3. Copy the downloaded files into the new folder “/xx-XX/”, and replace the default language prefix “en-GB”, with yours.

For example, for German language should be:

  • /..extension_folder../language/de-DE/de-DE.com_extension.ini

For Spanish language should be:

  • /..extension_folder../language/es-ES/es-ES.com_extension.ini


Edit the copied files (new), and translate the strings that come after for the equal symbol (=).

For example.


  • JANUARY_FULL=”January”
  • FEBRUARY_FULL=”February”

Replace with (e.g. German language):

  • JANUARY_FULL=”Januar”
  • FEBRUARY_FULL=”Februar”

That’s all.

Enjoy the Web357 Extensions into your Language

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