[SOLVED] The cookies of Google Analytics (_gid, _ga, _gat) are loaded even if I have not accepted the cookies policy

One of our popular support questions is: "Why the cookies of Google Analytics (_gid, _ga, _gat) are loaded even if I have not accepted the cookies policy?"

This happens because maybe you have entered more than one time the analytics code on your website. This is wrong.

Follow these steps if you want to load the analytical cookies only after user accepts.
Step 1
You should place the google analytics code only in the plugin settings. Remove it from everywhere else, like in the template settings, or if you have any 3rd party plugin.
Step 2
Navigate to the plugin settings, then Advanced Settings > Categories of Cookies, and for the "Analytical Cookies" category change the option of the plugin parameter "Checked by default" to "No (allow change by User)", as you can see in the screenshot below.

Step 3
Clear your browser cookies, CTRL+F5, and now the cookies of google analytics will be loaded only after clicking on the accept button.
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