How to translate the Cookie Categories (name & description) in the Cookies Manager (modal window)?
Follow the below steps to translate the Cookie Categories in different languages.
Step 1
From the top horizontal menu at Joomla! backend, navigate to: Extensions > Languages > Overrides.

Step 2
At the left sidebar choose the language of texts you want to translate and click on the button "New".

Step 3
A. Create a new Override for the Category Name.
- Fill in the field "Language Constant *" by entering the constant of the string you want to create. Example: "ANALYTICAL_COOKIES_NAME".
- Fill in the field "Text" by entering the text that you want to be displayed. Example: "Analytical Cookies."
- Click on the button "Save & Close" (top left).

B. Create a new Override for the Category Description.
- Fill in the field "Language Constant *" by entering the constant of the string you want to create. Example: "ANALYTICAL_COOKIES_DESC".
- Fill in the field "Text" by entering the text that you want to be displayed. Example: "Analytical cookies allow us to recognize and to count the number of visitors to our website..."
- Click on the button "Save & Close" (top left).

Step 4
Navigate to the plugin settings (System - Web357 Cookies Policy Notification Bar), click on the tab "Advanced Settings", and then scroll down to the "Categories of Cookies"section.
Enter the Language Constants "ANALYTICAL_COOKIES_NAME" and the "ANALYTICAL_COOKIES_DESC" you've created in the 3rd step, in the "Cookie Category Name" and the "Cookie Category Description" input fields.
Save the plugin settings.

The Cookie Category Name and the Description are now displayed in the Cookies Manager (modal Window).

Multilingual Websites
If you have a multilingual website, you can repeat the procedure for as many languages you want.