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Install sample plugin parameters on multiple websites at once

There are very good services to manage Joomla! websites with one dashboard. Two of the popular are the and the With these services you can upload an extension and install it on any number of websites at once.
Using our tiny system joomla! plugin you can have the exact same parameters for multiple websites, and avoid place the same contents, styling, settings, multiple times.
FIRST, as always it is recommended that you take a full backup of your site before using this new plugin (especially for the first time).
1) First of all you have to export the plugin parameters (.json file) from a site that has the ideal master configuration that you want to deploy to your other sites, as you can see in the screenshot below. This file contains all the plugin parameters. 
a) Navigate to Extensions > Plugins > System - Web357 Cookies Policy Notification Bar, and click the blue button "Export Parameters (.json)".
Download and rename the exported file into data.json and save it to your local machine.
3) After extracting the .zip package, you will see that there is a json file in the folder with the name "data.json". Replace the contents of this file "data.json" with the contents of the file you've exported from the plugin settings (step 1).
4) Now, Zip the contents of the entire folder again to create a new version of "" and save it somewhere locally.

5) Now, install the "" and you will have the exact same parameters as inlcluded in the data.json configuration file. Now you can install this zip file on any website and they will show the same configuration as your master site.

CAUTION! This file will replace the previous plugin parameters you had. Use it only if you want to have the same parameters (styling, texts, etc.) on multiple websites you manage.
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